Re: SPARCcenter 2000 (problems with NFS)

Charles Stephens (
Thu, 1 Jun 1995 22:57:01 -0400

This might be caused by a bug in the 2.4 NFS speed up code.  Sun suggests
turning the feature off.  It is supposed to be fixed in 2.5, but is unknown if
they weill retro-patch it back  to 2.4.  The only caveat that I know of is that
it will slow down NFS performance because it will now take back to the 2.3 NFS

Put in /etc/system and 'boot -r':

set nfs:nfsreadmap=0

Let me know if this helps.


On Jun 1,  2:31pm, Mike Avina ( wrote:
> Subject: SPARCcenter 2000 (problems with NFS)
> This isn't a security 'bug' but it seems to be a 'bug' nonetheless:
> Does anyone here know of problems causing NFS to time out on
> S/2000s? The problem has persisted despite many calls to SUN
> and many patch installations. The system has done everything
> from timing out until nfsd and automountd were restarted to
> suddenly dying and mysteriously entering single-user mode
> and since the machine is configured as a router it causes
> network-wide problems during these moments of chaos.
> [The following patches are in place: 101907-05,101945-27,101959-03,
> 101973-10,101977-03,102003-02,102007-01,102044-01,102057-04,
> 102070-01.]
> If you have any suggestions as to what might alleviate this problem
> you can mail me direct.
> (
>-- End of excerpt from Mike Avina

/-------------------\  Charles "Cyber-Buddha" Stephens
| HELLO, my name is |  UNIX Systems Administrator
|-------------------|  Network Systems/Open Systems Group,
|    |  Information Technology Division,
| Charles Stephens  |  Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
|                   |  "You shall soon achieve perfection."  -Fortune Cookie